The Conservatives have set out a new policy proposal to introduce mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if they win the general election.
The scheme would mean 12 months of national service for all 18-year-olds as part of 30,000 full-time military placements or to volunteer one weekend a month, (totalling 25 days a year in total), in roles within the:
We’ve reviewed the policy and here are our opening thoughts.
Volunteering is fundamentally about freely giving your time and effort to benefit others, without being forced to. If people are not given a choice to participate, it goes against this principle., This could result in poor outcomes and negative experiences for young people (and potentially the organisation they volunteer for).
There are many effective volunteering programmes, such as the National Citizen Service, that already successfully engage young people. These programmes were set up with substantial government investment and offer valuable lessons that should inform any new policy.
Diverting £1.5 billion from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which supports vital community projects, raises concerns about the funds being used equitably and effectively.
Sustainable, long-term funding is crucial to developing meaningful volunteering opportunities and addressing barriers that prevent people from getting involved.
The government will need to put significant investment in staff and infrastructure to manage and support the increased number of young people engaged in community service.
As set out in the recently published Voluntary Sector Manifesto, we’re calling on the next government to take significant steps to address deep-rooted societal challenges. Yet, the proposed scheme fails to consider the broader socio-economic challenges faced by many young people.
Mandatory national service could disrupt employment, education, and other personal plans, potentially leading to negative impacts on wellbeing and economic stability.
In the current economic climate, with high levels of youth unemployment and the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, imposing additional mandatory commitments may worsen these issues rather than provide constructive solutions.
Charities bring vital knowledge and expertise, which can benefit policy-making and service design. We’re a force for good and a force for change.
Government is stronger when it values outside expertise and listens to charities and the public. To genuinely support young people and enhance their volunteering experience, the next government should focus on the following:
Saskia Konynenburg, Executive Director at NCVO, said: