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Governance round-up: October 2023

Our principal consultant, Dan Francis, looks ahead to Trustees' Week and shares the latest guidance, resources and training for governance professionals.

Trustees’ Week 2023

Trustees’ Week is an annual celebration of the people who give up their time to lead and govern charities.

Trustees’ Week 2023 takes place from 6 to 10 November. This year we're celebrating how trustees work with purpose. Specifically, how trustees use positive environmental, social and governance action (ESG) to lead their charities into the future.

Online events

Join us for a series of free online events exploring ESG action trustees can take.

We're also hosting an online event exclusively for NCVO members:

Local conferences

We’re proud to be partnering with local organisations to deliver the following in-person conferences.

We’re also hosting an online plenary event on 10 November. This will bring together representatives from the conferences to hear about their discussions and identify common themes.

Festival of Trusteeship

Our partners at Getting on Board are also running their Festival of Trusteeship during the week.

The festival features a series of low cost events aimed at encouraging new trustees and supporting existing board members.

Charity Commission updates

Annual Public Meeting

The Charity Commission’s Annual Public Meeting will take place on Wednesday 15 November 2023 at 11.00.

The event will be hosted in-person in Liverpool and online. It’s an opportunity to hear updates and insights from the Commission’s activities and ask questions about their work.

Annual Return

The Commission has launched the latest version of the Annual Return.

A range of new questions have been added following a formal Annual Return consultation.

If your charity is preparing your 2023 annual return, don’t forget to check the Charity Commission’s annual return guidance.

Support with energy costs

Utility Aid is the largest UK energy broker for charities. Their National Charity Tender (NCT) scheme helps charities save money on energy bills and access the best aftercare support.

The NCT scheme groups charities together in energy ‘baskets’. By grouping energy consumption, Utility Aid can negotiate discounted rates and pass on the savings to everyone in the 'basket'. NCT customers also benefit from longer contracts and expert support.

Read Utility Aid's recent blog to find out whether the NCT scheme is right for your organisation.

Training and events

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