Civil Society Covenant

A new agreement to improve the relationship between civil society and government. Learn more and share your views

Sarah Vibert

Sarah Elliott (formerly Vibert)

Sarah Elliott (formerly Vibert)

Chief Executive Officer

Sarah controls the direction of NCVO

Sarah Vibert
Chief Executive Officer

An open letter to Keir Starmer

Sarah Vibert

Sarah Elliott (formerly Vibert)

Sarah Elliott (formerly Vibert)

Chief Executive Officer

Sarah controls the direction of NCVO

Sarah Vibert
Chief Executive Officer

Our chief executive, Sarah Elliott, shares our vision for the sector on behalf of our members.

This election result marks a new dawn. It provides a once in a lifetime opportunity to change the lives of millions of people for the better.

We – the charity sector – are willing and waiting to work with you. From your first 100 days in government, and throughout the ten years of national renewal. We will be a partner to your cabinet in delivering Labour’s missions.

But we are more than just delivery partners. The only way we can tackle the huge challenges facing communities is to have the people in the room who best understand people’s needs. Charities must be equal partners to the state, alongside business.

Time and again charities have proven their resilience, expertise and skills. They’ve pivoted to help those most in need when public services fail to meet demand. But let us be clear – no food bank wants to exist. We must move from responding to crisis and plugging the gaps to ending the systemic issues that exacerbate poverty, ill health and inequality.

You have pledged ten years of national renewal. We want children born in 2024 to have equal opportunities to their peers. By 2034 we want our country to have a new generation of children whose mental health is supported, who all have access to good quality education, who have aspiration, and who aren’t worried about whether they will have breakfast or a warm meal that day.

Charities have never been more needed. But we know promises have been broken by governments. We’ve also felt prevented from campaigning. We need to ensure civic space isn’t threatened. And we need refreshed energy and investment to demonstrate your commitment to us. In return, you will unlock talent, expertise and innovation that is embedded in communities.

Our Voluntary Sector Manifesto outlines this. It makes clear offers and lays out clear asks. These are:

  • engage charities in policy making
  • ensure fair and sustainable partnerships
  • let every voice be heard
  • build strong and resilient communities
  • place value on volunteering
  • support a thriving charity sector
  • make public giving easier.

We don’t make these asks for ourselves. Charities don’t exist without need. We make this call not just for the millions of people who voted for you, but for the millions who didn’t. For those who are most overlooked, marginalised, and feel let down.

In 2034 we want that generation to feel proud of the country they live in. And we want to stand alongside your government to say: together, we did it.

You promised ten years of renewal, and you asked for our trust, support and commitment. Together, we can deliver long-lasting change.

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