About us

ACEVO is a network of over 1,500 civil society chief executives and senior leaders. Together with its network ACEVO inspires and support civil society leaders by providing connections, advocacy and skills.
ACF is the membership body for UK foundations and grant-making charities. Its 400 members collectively hold assets of around £50bn and give over £2.5bn annually.
Charity Finance Group exists to develop a financially-confident, dynamic and trustworthy charity sector. Our 1,400 organisational members include charity finance professionals, who between them manage £21bn of funds. We work with our members to: inspire and nurture leadership; drive up standards; create a better and fairer operating environment; identify best practice and share knowledge.
The Charity Retail Association represents the interests of charity retailers with around 450 members, who together run 80% of all charity shops in the UK.
The Chartered Institute of Fundraising is the professional membership body for UK fundraising. We champion our members’ excellence in fundraising. We support fundraisers through professional development and education. We connect fundraisers across all sectors and skillsets to share and learn with each other, so that together we can best serve our causes and communities both now and in the future.
NCVO is a membership body for charities and voluntary organisations in England. We have over 16,000 members, ranging from community groups to household name charities.
This bill implements a series of recommendations made by the Law Commission’s report on technical issues in charity law, building on the review of the Charities Act 2006 carried out by Lord Hodgson.
The bill seeks to make a series of changes that will make it easier for charities to navigate the law and carry out their functions effectively, while retaining important safeguards.
We support this bill, which makes a number of significant changes for charities, including making it easier for charities to amend their governing documents, to dispose of land efficiently and use the resources of the charity more effectively, and to avoid disputes over whether a trustee has been correctly appointed or elected.