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Governance round-up: July 2023

Recent governance news, resources, research, events and more.

Hello! I’m Mo Wiltshire. I joined the NCVO training and consultancy team earlier this year. This is my first round-up as a writer rather than a reader.

I spend my days working with trustees and senior staff on governance reviews, board facilitation sessions and training.

It’s fascinating and fulfilling work. I get to meet exceptional people who are doing everything they can to deliver for their causes.

Find out more about me and learn more about our consultancy services.

The Charity Commission has also published its inquiry decision into the Cowesby Trust.

The Commission concludes that Hugh Morgan-Williams acted as a sole trustee for a period of at least nine years.

…during this period there was no evidence of charitable activity and the only person to benefit from the charity was Mr Morgan-Williams.

Charity Commission

Inquiries like these can be a useful learning moment for governance professionals. What would you have done in their position? Do you have the right policies and procedures in place?

Use our sample governance documents and templates to make sure your organisation has everything it needs.

Charity digital skills report

Zoe Amar Digital and Cataylst have launched the Charity Digital Skills Report 2023. The report shares insights into charities’ digital skills, attitudes and behaviours.

The report offers a good moment to reflect on the existing strengths and development needs of your leadership team and trustees.

  • Do you have the digital skills and understanding you need? For example, are you prepared for the risks and opportunities of artificial intelligence?
  • How do you plan to support digital needs of your organisation in the medium and long term?
  • How will you fund this?

Our strategy and impact guidance can help you with planning.

Catalyst also has lots of useful digital strategy resources.

Trustees and governance professionals may find our divestment guidance and templates useful.

These could be used to guide board discussions around reviewing and implementing your ethical policy.

Events and training

Free webinar: Effective risk management for charities in 2023

All charities face risk. It could be the risk of losing money, injuring clients, bad publicity, or losing key staff or volunteers.

Join our risk management webinar on 13 September. Experts from Zurich Insurance will share the risk management processes that charities should be aware of and how to embed them in your organisation.

Online governance training

We run regular online trustee inductions and refresher courses over two half-days. We’re also offering brand new courses on the following areas.

  • Fundraising responsibilities for trustees
  • Safeguarding essentials for trustees
  • Supporting good governance

Browse our upcoming governance training

eLearning induction for trustees

We offer an eLearning module for trustees.

This course gives trustees a low-cost introduction to their roles.

Member events

We hold regular member assembly and welcome events.

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