Volunteering round-up: September 2022

Welcome to the September volunteering round-up. Whilst there is a large focus on the UK cost of living crisis, we’ve made our first volunteering news item about the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Older volunteers in HelpAge's response to war in Ukraine

What motivates people to volunteer their support to communities affected by the war in Ukraine? HelpAge have noticed that older volunteers have risen to this challenge more than any other age group. Read their inspiring stories here.

Free places on our action learning group

We’d love to hear from those of you who currently support or are seeking to support volunteers aged 50+. We are offering free places on a learning group that will meet online from early October to February.

We’re asking you to sign up for a minimum of three months and are particularly interested in hearing from frontline delivery organisations with an income of less than £1m. We are also keen to hear from volunteering leads who lack opportunities for their own learning and development.

This work is supported by the Centre for Ageing Better. Find out more about why we are doing this work in this blog.

Volunteer management systems

Since the pandemic came into our lives, we have witnessed a boom in the use of volunteer management systems. Some volunteer centres have adopted a system to rota volunteers for vaccination efforts. Others have realised that software can help to redirect valuable time toward building communications and relationships with volunteers. In response, we have produced guidance to help you when choosing and implementing a volunteer management system.

Three top tips!

Thanks to our friends at Zurich insurance, NCVO member Hyde Park Source share three top tips on working with volunteers.

NCVO Members: Regional Event with BVSC

On 17 October, NCVO is hosting an online members assembly with Birmingham Voluntary Service Council, 9.30am – 12pm. This will focus on volunteering, looking at our recent Time Well Spent report and, with our partner BVSC, sharing preparations for their Vision for Volunteering for Birmingham.

New Civil Society Almanac! 18 October

Do you love volunteering trends and data? We have a webinar that will interest you. We’re launching the latest Civil Society Almanac which draws data from the government’s community life survey on volunteering. Register here.

Trustees Week, 7-11 November

Trustees Week is an annual celebration of trustees and everything they contribute to our organisations. This year is focused on helping every charity trustee to keep learning, developing and benefitting from their role. We have updated all of our governance Help & Guidance and we’re running a series of free online events with expert speakers throughout the week.

Investing in Volunteers: Award Achievers

Investing in Volunteers (IiV) is the UK quality standard for good practice in volunteer management. Congratulations to the following organisations for recently achieving their IiV!

Catalyst, Community Alliance Broxbourne and East Herts, Devon Wildlife Trust, Imperial Health Charity,

Martin House Children’s Hospice

Milton Keynes City Discovery Centre

Northamptonshire Youth Offending Service


With You

Find out about how Investing in Volunteers can help your organisation here.

NCVO online training

Safeguarding essentials in charities

The next date for our online safeguarding essentials in charities course is 18 November, 10.00–15.00.

Good practice in volunteer management

Our popular online good practice in volunteer management course takes place over two half days from 10.00–13.00. You need to attend both days as they’re two parts of one course. It’s so popular that we’re running two courses in October!

November course

  • Session 1: Monday 7
  • Session 2: Wednesday 9

December course

  • Session 1: Tuesday 6
  • Session 2: Thursday 8

Volunteers and the law

We’re offering online training on volunteers and the law. This half day course is available at 10.00-13.00 on 23 November.

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