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Sally Cupitt

Associate Consultant

Sally is one of NCVO's associate consultants, focusing on evaluation work.

Sally has been an evaluation consultant since 1999 and was head of our NCVO Charities Evaluation Services team until early 2021. Sally has been involved in over 30 external evaluations, leading on most.

She is a mixed-methods evaluator with particular expertise in evaluating health and social care programmes and pilot multi-site initiatives. Most of her evaluations focus on process, outcome and impact.

Sally has helped many organisations build their evaluation capacity through training and consultancy, including theory of change and evaluation planning. She also mentors staff in evaluation, working with people new to evaluation and with established evaluators.

Sally has made a significant contribution to the practice of evaluation in the UK, writing some of the first widely-used publications in the field, developing award-winning training and contributing to UK-wide initiatives to improve evaluation skills.

Get in touch

If you're interested in working with Sally or finding out more about our consultancy services, please complete the contact form below.

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