Milla specialises in evaluation. She can help you identify your outcomes, build a theory of change, and collect the right information.
Milla has worked with UK charities since 2003. Her experience includes working within organisations, supporting funders, as well as providing consultancy. She understands the demands of the voluntary sector, particularly around monitoring and evaluation.
Milla specialises in building capacity and tools to help decision making and communication. She does this through the smart collection and use of data. Milla works through consultancy, training and coaching, or by delivering evaluation and learning projects alongside you as a learning partner.
Milla has studied anthropology, health policy, and social research methods. She’s also trained in facilitation, coaching and conflict resolution. She combines years of experience with a light and informal style to help organisations realise their evaluation and learning potential.
If you're interested in working with Milla or finding out more about our consultancy services, please complete the contact form below.