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Online charity auctions

This page is free to all

What is it?

Auction’s at gala events, or silent auctions as part of a fete are familiar fundraising events. This is the online version.

Good reasons to try online auctions

  • You want alternatives to face to face events
  • You have supporters or local business connections who can make donations
  • You have good social media activity to encourage people to take part.

Key advice

  • You can run live auctions or auctions with a longer time period.
  • eBay has a charity function that allows you to take proceeds as donations and refunds some of the listing fees.
  • Whatever system you choose, you need to think about how you will handle payments and situations where people want to change their minds.

Last reviewed: 18 November 2020

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This page was last reviewed for accuracy on 18 November 2020

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