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Corporate fundraising

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What is it?

Asking businesses to support you with financial contributions or with volunteer time.

Good reasons to try corporate fundraising

  • You want to build relationships with local businesses


  • You have committee members or volunteers who work for a larger organisation with good schemes


  • You have popular, ticketed events or a high profile and a good marketing team (sponsorship)


  • Your values as an organisation align very closely with the values or interests of a particular business

Key advice

  • Start by writing letters to selected local businesses that are known to support the community.
  • Follow the Institute of Fundraising’s guide if you want to attract sponsorships or larger donations from businesses. There are lots of angles to consider. The guide covers a lot of the legal implications.
  • Also look for trusts and foundations run by local businesses. These can be great starter grants.

Last reviewed: 18 November 2020

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This page was last reviewed for accuracy on 18 November 2020

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