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Financial management during the cost of living crisis

Use this section to identify how the cost of living crisis might impact your organisation's income and spending and get ideas of what you could do about it. This section will help leaders better understand and manage their finances during the cost-of-living crisis.

This page is free to all
  1. Financial management during the cost of living crisis

    This page sets out what areas of financial management we'll explore. We'll look at how the cost of living crisis might impact your organisation's income and spending and share ideas of what you could do about it.

  2. Financial pressures during the cost of living crisis

    Learn about the key trends which may be impacting your income and spending

  3. Update your budget and cashflow

    Identify how the cost of living crisis may impact your organisation's finances

  4. Understand and communicate your situation

    Learn about questions you can ask to understand your financial situation and tips for communicating this to others

  5. Practical ideas to reduce or change your spending

    Use this page to learn key questions to ask yourself before you decide on cost reductions and get practical ideas on how to cut costs

  6. Practical ideas to increase or change your income

    Use this page to learn key questions to ask yourself before you invest in income generation and get practical ideas for raising more cash fast

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