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Fundraising methods

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Before you start

So you’ve decided you are ready to think about new ways to raise money from individuals or from companies. How do you choose the best approach for you?

You should do several things:

  • Talk to your committee and volunteers to see how they would like to get involved.
  • Talk to organisations like yours to find out what works for them.
  • Consider social investment, a type of repayable finance which helps an organisation achieve its social mission.
  • Browse the list of fundraising methods to try on this page.
  • When you find a method in the list that could work for you, follow the link to the Chartered Institute of Fundraising and the Code of Funding regulators to find out how to do it.
  • Look for local infrastructure and advice organisations to see if they run fundraising courses or have other information that could help you. Here’s information on how to find them.
  • Consider whether your organisation needs a policy on accepting, refusing and returning donations. For more information, read the Chartered Institute of Fundraising's practical guide to dealing with donations.
  • If you’re still not sure if you want to start fundraising look at our fundraising myth-busting tips.
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