The UK government defines terrorism as an action that:
The use or threat must be designed to influence the government or to intimidate the public and is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause.
This term is still in use in legal documents but should not be used in other contexts. See the adult at risk section for the replacement term and why vulnerable adults is being phased out by the safeguarding sector.
This refers to a checklist that all judges must adhere to when making decisions about children under the Children Act 1989:
According to the organisation Protect whistleblowing is:
'is all about ensuring that if someone sees something wrong in the workplace they are able to raise this within their organisation, to a regulator, or wider.'
'Whistleblowing ultimately protects customers, staff, beneficiaries, and the organisation itself by identifying harm before it’s too late.’
This term is preferred over perpetrator or alleged perpetrator because it covers a much wider range of behaviours which are more relevant to safeguarding – not all safeguarding concerns are criminal acts – whereas many believe that the term ‘perpetrator’ is used for someone who has specifically committed a crime.
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