Use this page to learn about what strategy is and how it can help your organisation.
A strategy is a set of high-level decisions that set priorities and purpose.
Developing a strategy involves making decisions about:
- your organisation’s purpose and direction
- how you’ll direct your resources to deliver it.
The main parts of a strategy are:
- A vision – a powerful description of the future; it's about how you want the future to be
- A mission – why you exist and how you contribute to achieving your vision
- Values – how you will work and behave
- A set of goals – what you will do to bring about your strategy
A strategy can also include other things. For example, a summary of how the world around you is changing, or information on how you will understand the difference you’re making.
Developing and following a strategy can help you to:
- Make better decisions – when deciding what actions to take, or how to spend your money and time, a strategy provides a basis for making good decisions.
- Adapt to change – by understanding what's changing around you and how you need to respond, you can make sure your organisation's set up well to respond to change.
- Focus on what you’re best at – by identifying your strengths, you can deliver more impact.
- Collaborate – by identifying organisations to work with, you can achieve more together.
- Inspire and motivate – a strategy can inspire your staff, volunteers, supporters and partners, helping them to move towards a shared aim.
- Demonstrate your impact – a strategy provides a starting point to understand and communicate the change you’re making.
Read our guidance on creating the right strategy process for your organisation.