There are a large number of providers offering safeguarding and either child protection or adult at risk of harm training.
These include:
- charities
- specialist training companies
- freelance trainers
- local authorities social care
- local safeguarding children boards or partnerships
- local adult safeguarding boards.
They provide training on different subjects, and using language suitable for different levels of knowledge and how to manage different types of risk.
- what the training needs to achieve and how you’ll know if it has been effective.
- how the training fits into your safeguarding plan
- if you want to send individuals to an open course or have in-house training
- whether the training needs to be face-to-face or whether an online training course would be suitable
- what training you can find locally from your safeguarding partnerships and boards, local authorities and infrastructure organisations and whether you need anything additional
- your budget.
Once you know what you are looking for, you can start to narrow down your choice.
- If you don’t have strong local connections already, you can use our links to local and national support to find different local organisations who may have courses you can send people on.
- If the right course for you isn’t available locally, we have a list of training providers with links to some leading charity sector organisations who offer face to face or online training.