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Supervision and support

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Supervision can mean different things to different people but essentially it’s an activity that gives you an opportunity to reflect upon your practice. As a DSL, supervision is important because dealing with safeguarding concerns may have an emotional impact on you.

Your manager should provide supervision as part of your role. If you have a team of DSLs, you could run group supervision sessions together. Or you could seek supervision from an external source.

What to include in supervision sessions

  • A review of workloads.
  • An opportunity to be challenged supportively and constructively.
  • An opportunity to discuss issues relating to the workplace and working practices.
  • An opportunity to identify and celebrate achievements.
  • Reflection on emotional well-being/work life balance.

If you ever feel worried about your own safety, or feel you can’t cope with the emotional impact of dealing with a concern, seek help immediately.

This page was last reviewed for accuracy on 06 December 2018

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