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Principles of engagement: participating in NCVO-led community spaces, forums, training and events

We want everyone who joins an NCVO event, community group or training session to leave feeling inspired, motivated, educated and informed. For us to help attendees achieve that, it’s important that all participants contribute positively.

In line with our membership criteria, organisational values and the charity ethical principles, NCVO has outlined a set of principles for how people should conduct themselves within NCVO-led spaces.

  1. Act with respect and integrity: We ask all participants in NCVO-led spaces to act with respect, honesty, and integrity in all interactions. It’s important that everyone behaves with dignity and trust, in a way that fosters an inclusive environment for everyone else attending. We have a zero-tolerance approach to bullying and harassment.
  2. Engage collaboratively with others: Collaboration is a key value for NCVO, and we always look to create opportunities for people to work with others. In these spaces we ask that you participate and collaborate positively, openly and respectfully with others. Although we may not always agree with each other’s views or beliefs, it is important we act and interact with respect and tolerance.
  3. Participate responsibly: It’s important we hold space for discussion, but we ask participants to address conflicts responsibly – demonstrating professionalism and accountability within our community.
  4. Embrace diversity and foster belonging: Whilst charities often exist to promote and support one particular group or issue in society, our members should not actively discriminate against other groups or encourage others to do the same. Allowing everyone space to share their views and experiences is important. We have a zero-tolerance approach to any discrimination, and expect everyone to respect other attendees.
  5. Value curiosity and continuous learning: Commit to continuous learning and improvement, striving to better participate and support the sector and our communities.

For more information about how NCVO’s values impact the way we work, you can find out more by reading our Behaviours Framework below.

Failing to meet the principles of engagement

If a participant is not acting in accordance with the principles of engagement, NCVO reserves the right to remove them from that NCVO-led space or event.

To ensure we feel confident the principles will be followed in future, we will subsequently work with the individual, and the organisation they represent, to address the issue.

If an individual or organisation knowingly or recklessly exhibits behaviour contrary to the principles of engagement that cannot reasonably be resolved, NCVO reserves the right to refuse admittance to NCVO-led spaces.

NCVO will continue to review these principles of engagement and may amend them at any time.

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