General Election 2024

Read our analysis of the general election result and what it means for charities. Learn more

How to access member-only content

You can access member-only resources and manage your membership details by logging in to your NCVO website account.

If you don’t already have an NCVO website account, follow these steps to set up an account.

Please note: Your NCVO membership and website account are two different things. You need to create an account on the NCVO website before you can join NCVO as a member.

You need to have a website account and be an NCVO member to access our member-only content.

Log in to your NCVO website account and select your name in the top right-hand corner.

Screenshot of the top navigation bar of the website. An example name is highlighted in the top right hand corner

You’ll then be able to access the following features.

Manage your personal details

View and update your details

Select ‘Your details’ to see the information we currently hold about you.

Screenshot of membership area. 'Your details' tab is highlighted

To update your details, select ‘Edit details’.

Screenshot of membership area. 'Edit details' button is highlighted

Find out more about membership benefits

Select ‘Organisation’ for more information about member benefits and links to member-only content.

Screenshot of membership area. 'Organisation' tab is highlighted

Download membership logos

You can also download the NCVO member logo from the ‘Organisation’ section.

Screenshot of membership area. 'Download membership logos' button is highlighted

Manage your organisation’s details

If you’re an admin for your organisation, you can manage your organisation’s details as well as your personal details.

Log in to your website account and check the text underneath your name.

If you’re an admin, the text will read ‘You’re currently an admin of [YOUR ORGANISATION’S NAME]’.

Screenshot of a user's name with 'You're currently an admin of NCVO' underneath

You’ll also be able to see the ‘Manage people’, ‘Organisation details’ and ‘Manage membership’ tabs. Only admins can access these options.

Screenshot of tabs in the membership area. ‘Manage people’, ‘Organisation details’ and ‘Manage membership’ tabs are highlighted

Note: You need to ask an existing admin to set you up with permission if you’d also like to be an admin for your organisation. The person who applied for your organisation’s membership will usually be an admin.

Manage people

In this tab you’ll be able to see all the people currently connected to your organisation.

Screenshot of membership area. 'Manage people' tab is highlighted

You can remove people from your organisation by selecting the ‘remove’ button.

You can also make people admins. This will allow them to manage people, edit your organisation’s details and pay your organisation’s membership fee.

If you make someone a financial admin, we’ll contact them when it’s time for your organisation to renew its membership.

If you make someone a membership contact, we’ll send them information about your organisation’s membership. This includes reminders about membership renewal and details of member events such as our annual general meeting.

Select the three dots next to ‘remove’ to make someone an admin, financial admin or membership contact.

Screenshot of membership area. 'Remove' button and three dot buttons are highlighted

View and edit your organisation’s details

Select the ‘Organisation details’ tab.

Here you can see the details we hold for your organisation and edit your organisation’s address.

Screenshot of membership area. 'Organisation details' tab is highlighted

If you need to edit any of the other information in this section, please email

Pay your organisation’s membership fee

If you’re an admin for your organisation, you can see your membership subscription details in the ‘Manage membership’ tab.

This includes details of your membership plan and any outstanding invoices.

Screenshot of membership area. 'Manage membership' tab is highlighted

Select ‘Pay with Stripe’ to pay your membership fee online.

Access member-only resources, tools and templates

Some of our help and guidance content is only available to NCVO members.

Follow the steps below to access this content.

1. Select the ‘Log in to access this tool’ button

If you’re not already logged in to your NCVO website account, you’ll be asked to log in before you can access the content.

You can find the log in button below the page title and introduction.

Screenshot of a member-only content page. The 'Login or sign up to access this tool' button is highlighted

2. Select ‘Log in now’

Screenshot of the log in pop-up. The 'Log in now' button is highlighted

3. Enter your email and password and select ‘Log in’

Screenshot of the log in page

If you don’t already have an account, you can select ‘Sign Up’. Follow these steps to set up your website account.

If you’re having trouble logging in, follow our 'how to log in’ instructions.

Please note: You need to have a website account and be an NCVO member to access our member-only content. Find out more about becoming an NCVO member.

After you’ve logged in, you’ll be taken back to the content page. Now you’ll be able to download the resource or read the content.

Screenshot of a member-only content page. 'Download this template' button is highlighted

More help

Contact us

Email with any questions you have about the website or your account.

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