Civil Society Covenant

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Environmental policy

NCVO recognises that good environmental management is an essential part of overall good practice in voluntary sector management. NCVO will therefore strive to adopt the highest available environmental standards in all its areas of operation. We focus on continual improvement with the main aim of becoming a zero carbon and waste organisation.

NCVO will involve staff and members as much as possible both in implementing this policy internally, and in disseminating information externally about its progress in improving environmental standards. We will do this by making our policy publicly available on our website, in our reception area, in meeting rooms and by making it clear in our new staff induction process. NCVO has already made significant progress at mitigating its environmental impact and since 2006 has managed to:

  • reduce water use by 16%
  • reduce gas use by 8%
  • reduce electricity use by 20%
  • move to a green energy tariff
  • increase the recycling rate with improved facilities
  • procure sustainable office stationery and ensure all plates, cutlery and cups are biodegradable and composted
  • use chemically benign cleaning products
  • use Fairtrade tea, coffee and sugar and supply only organic milk
  • encourage the use of sustainable modes of travel and use eco-friendly taxis

At NCVO we further commit to:

  • prevention of pollution
  • compliance with all environmental legislation
  • continue to be a zero to landfill site

To improve our environmental performance in NCVO will:

  • further commit to energy and waste reduction
  • discourage the use of the lifts by both staff and visitors
  • investigate Carbon Trust loans for energy efficient measures in the building
  • consider environmental management system accreditation

For any comments or questions regarding our environmental policy and commitment please email Michelle McErlean.

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