You searched for
'improving performance'

Managing underperformance

Guidance to help you address and manage poor performance in the people you manage

  • Employing and managing staff

Induction and probation

How to set up a good induction and probation programme

  • Employing and managing staff

One-to-ones and appraisals

Tips to help you plan and run effective one-to-one meetings and appraisals

  • Employing and managing staff

Government policy and funding round-up: September 2023

An update on our influencing work, government policy and funding announcements

  • Government and politics
  • Funding and income

Giving effective feedback

How to give your team effective feedback

  • Employing and managing staff

Setting objectives and behaviour standards

How to set effective objectives and behaviour standards for your team

  • Employing and managing staff


Information on what cookies are and how we use them

Atkinson HR Consulting

Atkinson HR Consulting offers a range of strategic HR services to help you recruit, retain and develop your people

  • Employing and managing staff

Respond, recover, reset: 18 months of real-time research reveals how the charity sector changed through the pandemic

Two years ago the UK went into its first national lockdown, the final report of the Charity Covid-19 Impact Barometer survey project, led by Nottingham Trent University, with Sheffield Hallam University and the National Council for Voluntary Organisations

  • Coronavirus
  • Responding to crises

New research shows increased charity demand for services and support from sector infrastructure organisations during the pandemic

The pandemic has increased demand within the voluntary sector for services and support from charity infrastructure organisations, according to new research released today.

  • Coronavirus

Practical support bulletin: March 2024

Resources, events, support and information on the big issues affecting small charities

  • Business planning and strategy
  • Involving volunteers

NCVO predicts better than expected year-end financial position and announces new leadership team

NCVO is predicting better than expected year-end financial results for 2020-21 and has today announced a new leadership team who will work with interim CEO Sarah Vibert and the board of trustees.

  • Inside NCVO

Record membership growth for NCVO and better-than-expected financial performance highlighted in 2021 annual report

Ahead of its Annual General Meeting on 22 November, NCVO today publishes its annual report and financial accounts for the year ending 31 March 2021.

  • Membership

Autumn Statement 2023: Impact on charities

Policy and insight manager Sam Mercadante considers the implications of the Autumn Statement for charities

Trustee confidence: Key research findings and actions for your board

NCVO's governance consultant Mo Wiltshire shares highlights from the Charity Commission’s recent research into trustee confidence

  • Governance

Charity Essentials (English version)

An English version of the Charity Essentials tool, which can help you do a basic health check on how your organisation is performing

Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of your team

Familiarise yourself with the early signs of mental health problems and learn how to create a supportive working environment

  • Employing and managing staff

Key duties of regulated bodies

Key duties of regulated bodies for safeguarding children or young people

  • Safeguarding

Carrying out a governance review

What to consider when carrying out a governance review and the different types of review

  • Governance

Looking after your own mental health and wellbeing

How to support your own mental health and wellbeing at work or while volunteering

  • Employing and managing staff

Building your own website or getting a specialist

Use this page for information on building your own website or getting someone to help.

  • Digital and technology

Steps to improve data protection in your organisation

Use this page to make sure you’re meeting your data protection responsibilities.

  • Digital and technology

Supporting and retaining staff and volunteers during the cost of living crisis

Learn about practical ways, to support your staff and volunteers during the cost of living crisis

  • Employing and managing staff
  • Cost of living

Protecting your charity from malware

Safeguarding responsibilities for HR managers

How human resources can play a leading role in safeguarding

  • Safeguarding