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A guide to help your organisation with your SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis

NCVO membership required

What the tool is

A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities threats (SWOT) analysis is a way of assessing where your organisation is doing well and where they can improve - from an internal and an external perspective.

Why you should use it

Understanding your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses (often called ‘internal analysis’), will help you to:

  • build on your strengths
  • improve or stop the things that you don’t do so well.

Thinking about external opportunities and threats (often called ‘environmental or external analysis’) will help you to understand:

  • things you are already working on that need to be changed or improved
  • opportunities that need to be considered for future action
  • threats that you’ll need to manage.

When you should use it?

Use this when you are sure of your organisation's mission.

This can be used to help understand your landscape and operations every year.

This page was last reviewed for accuracy on 04 July 2022

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