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Why be part of a consortium?

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Why be part of a consortium?

  • You are seeing contracts being ‘aggregated’ (combined) or awarded over larger geographical areas.
  • Commissioners wish to reduce costs by holding fewer contracts, or would like to work with a better coordinated provider market.
  • You have competition from private-sector providers.
  • Service users can be better served by providers working more closely together.
  • Smaller organisations lack the capacity to bid for contracts, and the scale required by tenders, so are excluded from bidding for contracts.

If you need more help

Examples of voluntary sector consortia

  • 3SC operates nationally and works on some large-scale national programmes, and has developed expertise in managing subcontracting chains for commissioners.
  • Nova Wakefield started life as a health and wellbeing consortium, and later merged with the local infrastructure organisation to provide a single infrastructure solution for the Wakefield district.
  • Sandwell Consortium provides a contract management and bidding function for its member organisations, based in the West Midlands.

Last reviewed: 19 October 2020

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This page was last reviewed for accuracy on 19 October 2020

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