Use this page to learn about the first steps you should take before you begin to think about new software. They help you set out what you already know.
Before you start your research to choose a tool, you need to be clear on your project or services objective. The question to think about is ‘What do you need this tool for?’
Write the overall objective down.
Add sub-goals or sub-objectives if you need them to help communicate your aims.
You'll need to refer to this project objective often as you work through these pages.
Make sure you know who you need to talk to as you work through the research.
Use this list to help you work out if you’ve missed anyone.
Make sure to make a list of the people you need to involve. Use it to mark when you've spoken with them and plan when you'll speak to them next.
There are many ways of meeting needs and addressing challenges. Adding new technology isn’t always the best solution. It can add risk or cause harm.
Before you move on, you need to be clear why you think new technology is the right step for this project.
We recommend this exercise.
It's useful to do this exercise in a group or to share it with people for their comments. You can do this right away OR you can do after you carry out some of the exercises in this page.
Working out what your software or tool needs to do.
When you do a group activity you should do the following.
Last reviewed: 02 March 2021
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