Resources and guides to help your organisation do safeguarding well
Understand the basics of safeguarding and why it's important
Find out what safeguarding means for your organisation
What the Charity Commission expects you to do, and the main areas of activity to focus on
Find out more about your legal and regulatory responsibilities in safeguarding
Get advice on the safeguarding challenges of working outside the UK
If you’re worried about someone right now, follow these steps to help
What are the roles and responsibilities of a designated safeguarding lead?
A guide to safeguarding leads and who is best suited to the role
Guidance on what skills a designated safeguarding lead needs
Find out more about what training a designated safeguarding lead can undertake
Supervision can mean different things to different people but essentially it’s an activity that gives you an opportunity to reflect upon your practice
A collection of safeguarding resources for designated safeguarding leads
Creating a safeguarding plan to ensure policies and procedures are being followed
Guidance on responding to concerns around safeguarding
How to keep records of any safeguarding concerns and when to share them
Five tips for looking after your mental health, so you can effectively support others