How to get more data

Almanac summary tables

Detailed results tables of our analysis are available above.

If you are looking at historic change, we recommend using the data from this spreadsheet rather than data from previous Almanac publications.

This data accounts for inflation and includes corrections from previous years.

Accessing Charity Commission data

The Almanac makes extensive use of the Charity Commission register.

As the register contains decades of financial records for hundreds of thousands of organisations, it is very large and has been split into a number of tables.

The data is available in Text and JSON formats. You can download these tables individually and link them using the registered charity number.

If you only want to browse the register, you can open these files in Microsoft Excel by clicking Data > Get Data > From File and selecting From Text/CSV or From JSON. If you are using a Text file, the delimiter should be set to “tab”.

However, because the datasets are so large, they are likely to open and run very slowly, and some of the files may exceed Excel’s maximum file size, causing rows to be dropped.

If you want to conduct analysis on the register, you should instead use a statistical analysis tool such as SPSS, Stata, Python or R.  

We can also conduct analysis on a consultancy basis, so if you require bespoke analyses of the register, please contact us as to discuss.

Accessing workforce and volunteering data

NCVO uses data from the Labour Force Survey and the Community Life Survey for the Almanac sections on workforce and volunteering.

You can download summary tables of the Community Life Survey and the ONS publishes statistical bulletins about the Labour Force Survey.

If you want to access the full data for these surveys, you can download them from the UK Data Service. As these are large files requiring weighting to be analysed correctly, you will need to use a statistical analysis tool such as SPSS, Stata, Python or R.

Almanac charity accounts sample data

Individuals or organisations looking for more detailed analysis outputs or the full raw data from the sample of charity accounts as part of the Almanac research may reach out to discuss purchasing options. Please contact us on for more information.

CharityJobs salary data

In 2023, CharityJob produced an analysis for the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) to provide insight into salary trends in the UK charity sector.

Its summary findings are based on data from all jobs posted on CharityJob’s website in 2022. This report also looks specifically at jobs posted by organisations that meet the NCVO’s definition of general charities.

To find out more about how the UK charity sector compensates its employees, see the CharityJob Salary Report 2023.

The full report includes data on average salaries for different job types in the charity sector, and salary trends across the UK charity sector as a whole.

This page was last reviewed for accuracy on 12 October 2023