- ACEVO 2019: Pay and Equalities Survey 2019
- ACEVO: Racial diversity in the charity sector
- Advance HE: Degree attainment gaps
- Clark, J (2007): Voluntary sector survey 2007
- Clark, J (2011): The UK Voluntary Sector Workforce Almanac 2011
- Department for Education (2018): Employer Skills Survey 2017
- Department for Education (2017): Employer Perspectives Survey 2016
- The FSI (2019): Small Charity Skills Report 2018-19
- Higher Education Statistics Agency (2019): Higher Education Student Statistics: UK, 2017/18 - Student numbers and characteristics
- Institute for Public Policy Research (2018): The Charity workforce in post-Brexit Britain: Immigration and skills policy for the third sector
- Lloyds Bank UK: Business and Charity Digital Index
- NCVO (2019): UK Civil Society Almanac
- NCVO (2018): Are EU staff leaving the charity sector?
- NCVO: Future employment and skills training for disadvantaged groups: a successor to the ESF
- Office for Students: Analysis of degree apprenticeships
- Office for Students: Topic briefing: Black and minority ethnic (BME) students
- Office for National Statistics (2018): Labour Force Survey
- Skills Platform: Charity Digital Skills Report 2019
- UCAS (2019): January Deadline Analysis Report
- Unite the Union survey on stress and wellbeing
Further resources
- The Royal Society for the encouragement of Art, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) (2018): Measuring good work
- The Royal Society for the encouragement of Art, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA): Future work centre
The Employer Skills Survey (ESS) is run by the Department for Education (DfE) every two years and covers topics including recruitment, skills gaps, training and workforce development. Of the 87,430 respondents that took part in this survey, 6,088 (7%) of respondents were senior members of staff in the voluntary sector. This survey collected data on hard-to-fill vacancies, skills-shortage vacancies (referred to in this briefing as ‘missing skills from applicants’) and skills gaps (referred to in this briefing as ‘missing skills from current staff’).
The Employer Perspective Survey (EPS) is also run by Department for Education (DfE) and runs every two years, alternatively to the ESS. It surveyed 18,028 employers, 1,666 (9%) of which worked in the voluntary sector and was conducted with the most senior person at the site with responsibility for recruitment, human resources and workplace skills. This survey collected data on hard-to-fill vacancies, skills-shortage vacancies (referred to in this briefing as ‘missing skills from applicants’) and skills gaps (referred to in this briefing as ‘missing skills from current staff’).
The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a survey run by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and asks respondents about their employment. It surveys an estimated 38,000 households every quarter, and by pooling together data from four quarters, it is possible to produce reliable estimates of the sectors workforce. In 2018, there were 1,200 respondents that stated they worked in the voluntary sector which is about 2.7% of valid respondents.