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Forcefield analysis


Use this tool to help you identify the forces working for and against a particular option

NCVO membership required

What the tool is

Force-field analysis is a tool to help you identify the forces working for and against a particular option, and understand what can help or block change. It’s particularly helpful as a workshop tool.

Why you should use it

It helps you decide whether a change or option is a good idea. If you have to make a particular change, it helps you work out what you need to consider when planning your actions.

It's useful when you’re considering any option, change or problem. It’s not just a strategy tool but also a general change management tool.

When you should use it

You can use it:

  • when choosing between a number of options. Identifying the forces working for and against each option will help you to choose the right options for your organisation
  • When you have decided to, or have to, make a change. Identifying the forces working for and against the change will help you to plan and make the change a success.

This page was last reviewed for accuracy on 04 July 2022

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