Use this page to learn about what you need to know before you start to write your evaluation brief and what to include once you get started.
If you choose to commission an evaluation, you’ll need to write an evaluation brief.
This is a short document – perhaps two to four sides of A4 – which can be sent to any consultants being asked to bid for the work. It sets out what you want from the evaluation.
Providing potential consultants with an evaluation brief makes sure they have the information needed to make relevant changes to a proposal to meet your needs.
This section looks at what to consider before you start writing your evaluation brief. This is to make sure it is accurate and clearly represents what your work is about.
Make sure you know why you want to carry out the evaluation.
Once you’re clear on the purpose, you can decide on its focus.
Think about the questions you’d like the evaluation to help answer.
If you’re not entirely sure about your focus, outlining the questions you’d like answered is a good starting point for a discussion between you and the consultant.
This will help you figure out what’s appropriate for your needs and budget.
There may be a number of things you want to find out so it would be good to think about all the possibilities and then prioritise them.
Your budget and/or timescale may mean not all questions can be answered.
Think about who will read the evaluation findings and what their interests in them will be.
This will help the consultant to adapt the evaluation methods and reporting appropriately.
Do you want all the work done externally, or will some be done internally?
You should take into consideration evaluation work and associated administration (venue hire, sending out questionnaires, for example).
Providing internal support will keep your costs down, but make sure you have properly resourced this based on the proposed timetable for the work.
Any delays or failure to provide information to the consultant may affect the quality of the results the consultant can deliver.
Your work doesn’t stop when you’ve successfully engaged a consultant. It’s important you work closely with them to make sure you get what you need from the evaluation.
Make sure you have one named person who will take responsibility for the work, and who will be the contact point for the consultant and for anyone involved internally.
For larger evaluations, an advisory group can help to steer an evaluation and support the consultant. Remember to consider the logistics and budget required.
It’s good practice to invite people who use your service into the group. You may also include:
If you’re approaching several consultants and you receive more than one proposal, you’ll need to choose between them.
Consider your process for this. If you have time, it can be helpful to interview consultants.
Make sure you ask for all main team members to attend an interview so you get to meet the people you may be working with.
Remember that consultants may have questions about your brief or want to speak to you about the evaluation in more detail. Try to set aside some time for this.
Do you want the evaluation to reflect particular organisational values? For example, you may want the evaluators to take a participatory approach to work with users, by consulting them as part of the evaluation.
Has any evaluation of this work happened recently? When? What worked well about this, and what could have been improved?
This content looks at what you can/should/must include when writing your evaluation brief.
Describe what you expect the consultant to produce. For example:
Remember any outputs should be adapted to their intended audience and what their interests are.
This should include key milestones and deadlines if you have a specific timeline in mind.
If you’re inviting proposals from a number of consultants, outline the timetable for your selection process.
If you’re interviewing consultants, giving the date in advance is helpful.
Read our guidance on what to consider when creating an evaluation budget.
Last reviewed: 18 September 2023
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