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Handling money

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At events, and in public fundraising, fundraisers often deal with cash. This presents a risk to people’s personal safety. Some good practice can reduce the likelihood of incidents.

  • Make sure at least two people deal with money raised.
  • Avoid leaving anyone to carry money by themselves.
  • If travelling by public transport, advise people to carry bags that hide the fact they’re carrying charity funds (cover buckets and boxes).
  • If you’re using a car, remember to store your collection materials out of sight.
  • Try and pay your money to the charity or bank as soon as possible.
  • When an event finishes at night, try to use a bank night safe or safety deposit box.
  • Advise people to hand over cash if they are ever challenged for it, and report the incident to the police and the fundraising manager within 24 hours.
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