When you’re organising a fundraising event of any kind, it’s important to identify potential risks so everyone involved stays safe. When you as fundraisers are putting together that event yourselves these are your responsibilities. It is also important that you remind people fundraising ‘in aid of’ your charity, such as in a national coffee morning campaign, that they should consider these things as they plan their event.
Compare your checklists with ours.
- Is the venue suitable? Does it comply with legal requirements and is it safe?
- What risks are raised by the event itself and what action should we take to reduce them?
- Have all participants agreed to take part?
- Have we got a code of conduct that we expect event attendees to follow so they know what’s expected of them? Is it publically displayed?
- Who should people speak to if they have any safeguarding concerns? Is this information clearly displayed?
- Who will take the lead on dealing with safeguarding concerns if they come up? Do all staff and volunteers know how to contact them?
- Will the event involve children or adults at risk, and do you know your legal responsibilities depending on the activities at the event?
- What specialist and first aid equipment will be needed and how can we make sure it’s good enough?
- What are the travel arrangements to and from the event?
- What partners are involved and how will they be briefed on safeguarding?
- Do any products sold at the event comply with safety standards?
- Is the food safe and does it comply with regulations?
- If alcohol is being served, have the relevant licences/permissions been secured and age limits followed?
- What is your plan for transporting money after the event?
To learn more: