Dr Singh has a background in general practice, specialising in medical law, ethics, risk and patient safety.
She previously worked as an executive with a leading international mutual membership indemnity organisation. In this role, she was responsible for professional services to 290,000 doctors, dentists, and other health professionals around the world.
Dr Singh is executive director of the Society for Assistance of Medical Families. The Society is a mutual benevolent fund with charitable status and a member of NCVO. She’s also chair of NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board, and a trustee of Royal Trinity Hospice.
Dr Singh’s previous roles have included deputy chair of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and NED at South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust. She was also a member of the London Policing Ethics Panel and an associate with Working With Cancer – a social enterprise helping people with cancer to return to and remain in work.