Civil Society Covenant

A new agreement to improve the relationship between civil society and government. Learn more and share your views

Dan Sutch

Dan Sutch


Dan is co-founder and director of CAST, working with charities, funders, investors and mission driven organisations to use digital technologies to address big social challenges.

Before leading CAST, Dan was part of the senior team at Nominet Trust and prior to that was head of development and a senior researcher at edtech innovator Futurelab. Dan's also a trustee of Wayfindr.

Dan's focus is on supporting social organisations to respond to the changing context in which we operate, using (and creating) digital tools to deliver high-value, user-led services. From organisational strategy and individual digital services, through to programmes like Fuse the first digital accelerator for established nonprofits, Dan's work is to realise the potential of digital in achieving social and charitable aims.

Dan is also a member of NCVO's finance and commercial committee.

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