Learn about the how the process of evaluation works
Learn about Theory of Change as a process and a tool
Learn about how to plan your evaluation to make sure it's set up for success
Understanding the issues experienced by individuals or organisations you want to work with, people you want to influence, or environments you want to affect change in is the starting point for impact planning
Information you need before you write your evaluation brief and what to include once you get started
Learn about how to create an evaluation budget
Learn about the different planning tools you can use to help you find out what difference you want to make
Learn how to create your own evaluation planning triangle
Examples of evaluation planning triangles in different organisations
In this edition, Sandy Chidley, senior consultant, spotlights opportunities in impact and evaluation and shares useful evaluation resources and training opportunities
In this edition, Sandy Chidley, senior consultant, spotlights opportunities in impact and evaluation and shares useful evaluation resources and training opportunities
Evaluation consultant Carol Jennions looks at wellbeing evaluation and shares useful resources alongside some exciting new training opportunities
New data reveals how much volunteering has transformed over recent years
Learn about what evaluation is and why it's important for your organisation
Learn about the how the process of evaluation works
Learn about Theory of Change as a process and a tool
Understanding the issues experienced by individuals or organisations you want to work with, people you want to influence, or environments you want to affect change in is the starting point for impact planning
Information you need before you write your evaluation brief and what to include once you get started
Learn about how to create an evaluation budget
Learn about the different planning tools you can use to help you find out what difference you want to make
Learn how to create your own evaluation planning triangle
Examples of evaluation planning triangles in different organisations