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Closing down: What to do if you deliver services to people at risk of harm

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Depending on the nature of your activities, the closure of your organisation may create new risks for people your organisation supports. It may also create gaps in provision in your community and new demands on other services, including on statutory services.

Actively communicate with other local service providers about your upcoming closure. Think widely about all other organisations which may be impacted.

If you currently accept referrals or other organisations signpost people to your services, make sure they’re aware of your upcoming closure. You should inform them you’re no longer accepting requests for services.

If you work closely with education, health or statutory protection services, always give them early notice of your closure and consider any need for wider transition planning.

You may want to consider:

  • transferring activities or services to a new provider
  • sharing information about your service users with another provider. This may require an information sharing agreement and consent from each service user
  • working with higher-risk service users to develop an individual transition plan
  • discussing with your funders how they can support other providers.

Last reviewed: 07 July 2023

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This page was last reviewed for accuracy on 07 July 2023

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