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Trusted suppliers selection process

We’ve selected our trusted suppliers for the quality of their products and services, the value they offer to the sector, and their experience working with voluntary organisations.

We pick trusted suppliers based on the current and emerging needs of our members. Trusted suppliers are selected who can help our members:

  • save time and money
  • evolve and develop strategically
  • become more efficient and effective.

We expect all our trusted suppliers to act responsibly and follow our code of conduct.

How we select our trusted suppliers

Before starting a relationship with a new trusted supplier, we check if:

  • there’s a need or potential demand for the supplier’s services from our members and the wider sector
  • the supplier has, or is open to creating, a bespoke member or voluntary sector offer that is competitively priced
  • the supplier understands the values of the voluntary sector, and their values align with NCVO’s
  • the supplier has experience and understanding of working with the voluntary sector.

We then:

  • speak to references (ideally from voluntary organisations)
  • review the supplier’s Companies House or Charity Commission Accounts, or evidence of funding
  • confirm the supplier agrees to follow our code of conduct
  • confirm the supplier has a suitable complaints procedure.

We may sometimes make exceptions for certain suppliers.

We also consider the following factors when selecting a new supplier.

  • Reputation of the supplier
  • Quality of the goods and services supplied
  • Sustainability of the supply chain
  • Accessibility of the goods and services supplied
  • Development potential of the supplier
  • Reliability of the supplier and their supply chain
  • Safety aspects of the goods and services
  • Timely delivery of all goods and services
  • Maintenance, after-sales support, and level of service
  • Complaints procedure

Next steps

Once the above criteria have been met, we’ll share a tender document with the potential new trusted supplier.

We often agree a commission or fee with the supplier. This is to cover our management and marketing costs and contribute to our core costs.

We reserve the right to decide if:

  • developing a trusted supplier partnership is in the best interests of NCVO and our members
  • we believe the product or service offered is marketable in a cost and time effective manner.

Review process

We continually review our trusted suppliers to make sure they’re offering appropriate and good value products or services. Our review procedure includes the following.

  • Quarterly meetings
  • An annual review with each supplier
  • A formal complaints procedure with each supplier and a complaints register of all complaints received

Please note: we offer no guarantees over the quality and appropriateness of any supplier. Every organisation should discuss their requirements with the trusted supplier to ensure they meet their particular needs.

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