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Trusted suppliers complaints procedure

We’ve selected our trusted suppliers for the quality of their products and services, the value they offer to the sector and their experience of working with voluntary organisations.

Trusted suppliers must meet our selection criteria. We also expect them to act responsibly and follow our code of conduct.

If you think a supplier has broken the code of conduct, please follow the steps below to raise a complaint.

Raise the complaint with the supplier

All of our trusted suppliers have an agreed complaints-handling procedure. This sets out how they deal with complaints from customers referred to them by NCVO.

The trusted supplier will respond to your complaint within 10 working days. They will also notify us about the complaint within two normal working days. In exceptional circumstances, they may provide a detailed progress report.

We hope you’ll be able to resolve the issue through the supplier’s complaints procedure.

Contact NCVO

If you’re not satisfied that your complaint has been resolved, please contact us.

The complaint will then be logged as part of NCVO’s complaint procedure.


  • take the details of your complaint and inform the supplier it hasn’t been resolved to your satisfaction
  • investigate the complaint and respond to you within 10 normal working days
  • record all complaints and discuss them at regular meetings with the trusted supplier
  • investigate customer satisfaction levels if we get more than three complaints about a trusted supplier in one year. This will include contacting a sample of customers for feedback
  • share the feedback with the trusted supplier. Where necessary the supplier will develop an agreed action plan to improve customer satisfaction levels
  • review the relationship if we continue to receive complaints about the supplier. We may then decide to end the trusted supplier agreement.
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