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Strategy and organisational development

It is a rapidly-changing time in the voluntary sector, with a radical shift in the role of charities, changed funding arrangements, new expectations of our work and the way we are held to account. In an era of disruption, strategy is more important than ever.

A strategy is not just the plan on paper: it is the process by which an organisation reaches agreement about the future. It is about people’s work, the culture of your organisation, the way it works and the changes you want to see.

We can help you and your teams change, grow, adapt, shape and respond to disruptive forces. We support you in defining your ambition and developing innovative strategies that help you to navigate through the uncertainty we are facing in the rapidly changing world.

The needs of your organisation

We can help you adapt and develop a strategy that gets you closer to achieving your mission and vision. We can work with you on challenges like how to:

  • adapt to change – by understanding what's changing around you and how you need to respond, you can make sure your organisation's set up well to respond to change.
  • focus on what you’re best at – by identifying your strengths, you can deliver more impact.
  • make better decisions – when deciding what actions to take, or how to spend your money and time, a strategy provides a basis for making good decisions.
  • demonstrate your impact – a strategy provides a starting point to understand and communicate the change you’re making.
  • collaborate – by identifying organisations to work with, you can achieve more together.
  • inspire and motivate – a strategy can inspire your staff, volunteers, supporters and partners, helping them to move towards a shared aim.

How our consultancy service can help

While our consultants are flexible and responsive to the needs of individual clients, our support is most frequently in the following areas:

  • Strategy development – designing and facilitating a strategy process with staff, trustees and stakeholders.
  • Strategic conversations – facilitating conversations with your leadership team, cross-functional groups and board to enhance collaboration and set strategic direction.
  • Organisational strength – reviewing the charity’s strengths, weaknesses and priorities for development through our health check tools.
  • Systems mapping – scanning how the world is changing and what other organisations do, and your relationships with them.
  • Organisational Theory of Change – facilitating the process to help you describe the links between the changes you want to see and the activities you deliver or could deliver.
  • Leadership and management support – developing effective structures and a positive culture that enables staff and leaders to achieve more.
  • Strategy and impact frameworks – developing tools and processes that help structure your thinking and guide your organisation to work towards your vision.
  • Business planning – co-producing clear plans that set specific goals with clear resources, ownership and accountability.
  • Away day and meeting – running meetings and facilitating workshops, including challenging conversations and difficult decisions.
  • Coaching and mentoring – supporting senior leaders and trustees in taking their charity through a strategy or change process.

Our consultants can offer advice on what support will be most effective for you – whether consultancy, training or resources. For more information on how we can help, get in touch.

Contact us

Our consultants can offer advice on what support will be most effective for you. Do get in touch via our short enquiry form.

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