Training and events

Earliest start date first

Creating a theory of change for your charity (1 day)

Learn how to create your own theory of change and narrative. This course will challenge you to think critically about what you're doing and why

Creating a theory of change for your charity (1 day)

Learn how to create your own theory of change and narrative. This course will challenge you to think critically about what you're doing and why

Creating a theory of change for your charity (1 day)

Learn how to create your own theory of change and narrative. This course will challenge you to think critically about what you're doing and why

Outcomes and impact measurement (1 day)

Learn how to create an evaluation plan to better understand and demonstrate the difference your work makes

Outcomes and impact measurement (1 day)

Learn how to create an evaluation plan to better understand and demonstrate the difference your work makes

Outcomes and impact measurement (1 day)

Learn how to create an evaluation plan to better understand and demonstrate the difference your work makes

Tools and methods for measuring outcomes (1 day)

This course will help you explore ways to collect data that’s relevant to your organisation and the people you serve

Tools and methods for measuring outcomes (1 day)

This course will help you explore ways to collect data that’s relevant to your organisation and the people you serve

Tools and methods for measuring outcomes (1 day)

This course will help you explore ways to collect data that’s relevant to your organisation and the people you serve

Tools and methods for measuring outcomes (1 day)

This course will help you explore ways to collect data that’s relevant to your organisation and the people you serve

Creating a theory of change for your charity (1 day)

Learn how to create your own theory of change and narrative. This course will challenge you to think critically about what you're doing and why

Creating a theory of change for your charity (1 day)

Learn how to create your own theory of change and narrative. This course will challenge you to think critically about what you're doing and why

Creating a theory of change for your charity (1 day)

Learn how to create your own theory of change and narrative. This course will challenge you to think critically about what you're doing and why

Boost your personal influence and impact (0.5 day)

Learn practical tools and techniques to increase your capability, confidence and impact when seeking to influence others – both within and outside your organisation

Boost your personal influence and impact (0.5 day)

Learn practical tools and techniques to increase your capability, confidence and impact when seeking to influence others – both within and outside your organisation

Outcomes and impact measurement (1 day)

Learn how to create an evaluation plan to better understand and demonstrate the difference your work makes

Outcomes and impact measurement (1 day)

Learn how to create an evaluation plan to better understand and demonstrate the difference your work makes

Outcomes and impact measurement (1 day)

Learn how to create an evaluation plan to better understand and demonstrate the difference your work makes

Better impact reporting (0.5 day)

This practical session will build your awareness of different types of reporting and support you to tell a compelling story through your reporting

Boost your personal influence and impact (0.5 day)

Learn practical tools and techniques to increase your capability, confidence and impact when seeking to influence others – both within and outside your organisation

Boost your personal influence and impact (0.5 day)

Learn practical tools and techniques to increase your capability, confidence and impact when seeking to influence others – both within and outside your organisation

Creating a theory of change for your charity (1 day)

Learn how to create your own theory of change and narrative. This course will challenge you to think critically about what you're doing and why

Creating a theory of change for your charity (1 day)

Learn how to create your own theory of change and narrative. This course will challenge you to think critically about what you're doing and why

Creating a theory of change for your charity (1 day)

Learn how to create your own theory of change and narrative. This course will challenge you to think critically about what you're doing and why

Outcomes and impact measurement (1 day)

Learn how to create an evaluation plan to better understand and demonstrate the difference your work makes

Outcomes and impact measurement (1 day)

Learn how to create an evaluation plan to better understand and demonstrate the difference your work makes

Outcomes and impact measurement (1 day)

Learn how to create an evaluation plan to better understand and demonstrate the difference your work makes

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