Overview of charity trustee vacancies

Our survey results show trustee vacancies are a widespread issue.

  • 4 out 5 (79%) respondents have a least one vacant board position.
  • Over half of respondents (62%) had two or more vacancies.
  • 1 in 10 (8%) reported at least four board positions open.

Length of vacancies

As well as being widespread, the issue is also long-lasting.

  • Over a third (35%) of respondents have had at least one vacancy for more than a year.
  • 3 out of 5 (61%) respondents have had at least one vacancy for more than six months.

Impact on smaller charities

Of the 35% of charities with vacancies for more than a year:

  • 54% are small charities
  • 13% are micro charities.

Of the 61% of charities with vacancies for more than 6 months, 60% are small and micro charities.

Micro and small charities tend to be run by volunteers. Trustees are often involved in day-to-day operations as well as strategic decision-making. Micro charities are more likely to have smaller boards, so trustee vacancies have a bigger impact.

Impact of recent events

While some trustee vacancies will be a result of a natural churn, two thirds (65%) of charities have had a vacancy for at least six months.

Over the last year, charities were forced to navigate a challenging external environment. This may have added pressure and contributed to a rise in trustee vacancies.

Trustees have been forced to make difficult financial decisions to ensure their organisation’s financial sustainability. These have been influenced by:

  • high inflation
  • increasing operating costs
  • rising rent costs
  • government contracts not increasing in line with inflation.

Charities faced increased scrutiny on what they said and campaigned on in the lead up to the summer elections. Trustees had to strike a difficult balance between making the most of political opportunities and maintaining objectivity.

You can download a printable PDF version of the report below.