Our vision

We want the government to take significant steps to address deep-rooted societal challenges. From inequality and poverty to climate change and the erosion of rights.

A strong relationship between government and the voluntary sector is essential to achieve this vision. This relationship should be built on a foundation of partnership, accountability and honesty.

A society where we can all speak out

Charities bring vital knowledge and expertise. This expertise can benefit policy making and service design. Especially when charities are involved early in the process. Our sector also raises the voices of people most affected by changes.

Government is stronger when it values outside expertise and listens to charities and the public. A healthy democracy actively encourages civic participation.

We’re concerned about:

  • voter ID making it harder for marginalised groups to participate in elections
  • the weakening of human rights legislation
  • legislation that undermines the rights of immigrants.

An economy that benefits us all

Charities make a vital contribution to the economy. They support people into work, create jobs and circulate local wealth. It’s estimated that the charity sector contributes £200bn to the economy, including the value volunteers bring.

Charities also provide social infrastructure: the spaces and places that connect us. Social infrastructure boosts social capital: the relationships and connections that society needs to function. Social capital is essential for economic growth.

Collectively, we’re very concerned about rising poverty and inequality levels. We want to work with government to develop and promote solutions. This will help drive an economy that works for everyone.

Sustainable climate action

Across the country, charities are dealing with the impact of climate change in their communities.

Charities and volunteers respond to climate-related crises and deliver community energy projects. They advocate for changes to climate policy and support citizens to take action.

Our vision is for a world which is viable, livable and clean for all. This includes:

  • a transition to net zero that is fair for everyone
  • workers with the right skills to deliver net zero
  • local and national government designing solutions to reduce inequality in partnership with charities and the most impacted groups.

Stronger communities

Strong communities give us all a sense of belonging, support our wellbeing and boost our local economies. Charities and volunteers are the backbone of our communities. Our sector represents and engages people who are often excluded.

Volunteering and voluntary infrastructure are vital to support strong communities. According to the UK Civil Society Almanac, 14.2 million people volunteered through a group, club or organisation in 2021/22. Charities and volunteers play a vital role in building resilience and responding to emergencies.

Volunteering should be an enjoyable and rewarding experience for every volunteer. Volunteering can provide skills, confidence, connection, purpose and wellbeing.

We want barriers to volunteering to be removed. Particularly for people who don’t have equal access to good volunteering experiences. We want it to be easier for people in paid work to give their time through employee volunteering schemes.

A support system for all

Charities deliver and advocate for a range of services. This includes everything from housing, health services and social care, to education and advice.

Our vision is for a society where all citizens can live healthy, happy and fulfilling lives. We see a future where people can access high quality, joined up public services that meet their needs, no matter where they live or their background.

We want investment in services that stop people from reaching crisis point.

  • Public services need to be preventative
  • The people who are most impacted by services should help design them
  • Services should be accessible for people facing barriers
  • Services should address inequalities within and between communities

Download a printable version of the manifesto below.

NCVO developed this manifesto in partnership with ACEVO.