Service Directory

Our new Service Directory connects NCVO members with specialists who can save them time and money. Find out more

Public sector membership

With over 17,000 members, we're uniquely placed to engage with public sector organisations about the issues facing civil society.

Join fellow public sector member organisations from:

  • local and central government
  • higher education
  • health and the emergency services
  • our national parks.

Through the benefits listed below, you'll connect in meaningful and practical ways with the country's largest network of voluntary organisations.

Reasons to join

  • Gain a deeper understanding of working and partnerships with charities.
  • Connect with NCVO's leadership, influencing and engagement staff.
  • Access consultancy services. Our in-house consultancy team can advise local authorities, primary care trusts and other government agencies on how to get the most out of relationships with voluntary organisations.
  • Get tailored analyses and presentations on the size and scope of civil society.
  • Compact-proofing services: working with all parties to ensure proposals are compact-compliant on provision, accountability, transparency, and dispute resolution.

Key benefits

  • Access to the sector's must-have Civil Society Almanac.
  • Access to speakers. Colleagues from NCVO's leadership, influencing and engagement teams will come and speak at your events (limited to once a year, min. delegate numbers 50).
  • Invitations to receptions at the House of Commons, plus other regular networking opportunities.
  • 30% off attendance at NCVO exhibitions and events.
  • Discounted conference suite hire.
  • Use of member logo that you can use on your stationery and publications plus a listing in our Annual Review.

Membership fees

Annual public sector membership costs £850 + VAT.

Apply for membership

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