General Election 2024

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NCVO membership criteria

Under Article 2 membership of NCVO will be open to voluntary organisations that fulfil the following broad criteria:

  1. Organisations must be voluntary bodies - i.e. independent, self-governing bodies of people who have joined together voluntarily to take action for the benefit of the community, and established otherwise than for financial gain.
  2. Although organisations accepted into membership are registered charities, or Community Interest Companies, this is not an absolute condition; but, if the organisation is not a registered charity or a Community Interest Company, its aims, objects and methods of working should be stated in a document that is available for public inspection.
  3. The organisation must be located in England.  Organisations operating UK wide or internationally should have their headquarters in England.
  4. In considering applications regard will be had to the following factors:
  • the length of time the organisation has been functioning and its financial situation.  Membership will generally be open to organisations which are properly constituted or working towards being properly constituted, and whose existence is not time limited for a particular purpose;
  • the extent to which the organisation provides a public benefit;
  • the extent to which the organisation is open to all members of the community with interests relevant to the organisation's publicly stated aims;
  • that a stated policy is in existence on equal opportunity values or there is a commitment to improved practice in this area; and
  • organisations undertaking party political activity will not be eligible.

NCVO reserves the right to refuse membership to any organisation it believes to be ineligible. The decision of the executive committee will be final.

Member limitation of liability - Articles 5 and 6

Terms of membership - Articles 7 – 10.

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