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Conference suite conditions of hire

Conditions of hire

1a. No food or beverages of any kind may be brought to the premises by the customer or any persons attending the function.

1b. No food or beverage items obtained other than from NCVO may be consumed on the premises, this includes the courtyard.

2. First-time hirers may be required to furnish names and addresses of two referees, one of which must be the hirer’s banker. NCVO reserves the right to approach those named before confirmation of the booking is made.

3. The hirer shall be responsible for paying all charges arising from the booking, including any cancellation fees.

4. Cancellation fees shall be paid within 14 days of the date of invoice on the following scales:

Please note that many insurance companies offer event cancellation policies.

NCVO has negotiated a brokered deal with Case Insurance for event cancellation policies. For more information or to obtain a quote, please see

All cancellations must be made in writing, there are no exceptions. Once we have received your written cancellation it will be acknowledged by return. If you do not receive written acknowledgement of your cancellation please contact us again.

If after your cancellation we obtain a booking for the same day(s) at the same or better terms, no cancellation charge will be levied.

5. The charge for the hire of the room(s) will be fixed from the time you receive written confirmation of the booking. All other charges will be based on the price list current at the date of the event. NCVO reviews prices annually.

6a. The hirer shall estimate the minimum number of persons for whom catering arrangements are to be made at the time of booking. This is the minimum number you will be invoiced for.

6b.The hirer is required to give a firm number three working days before the event.

7. NCVO shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any property arising out of holding a function or any injury which may be incurred by or be done or happen to any person during the holding of a function arising from any causes whatsoever, or for any loss due to breakdown of machinery including technology i.e. Internet access, failure or supply of electricity or telephone, leakage of water, fire, riot restriction or act of God which may cause NCVO’s premises to be temporarily closed or the function interrupted.

7a. Hire of NCVO wireless Internet - All users of NCVO’s wireless Internet are governed by UK legislation, this includes the Computer Misuse Act 1990. Details of any users found to contravene this legislation will be forwarded to the authorities.

7b. The hirer shall be responsible for any loss or damage arising from their participants misuse of NCVO’s wireless internet.

8. The hirer shall be responsible for insuring all equipment brought on to the premises and for any damage caused to NCVO’s property by any person, equipment or exhibits brought on to the premises by the hirer.

9. The hirer shall pay all charges within 14 days of the date of the invoice. Should the hirer fail to pay any invoices within this period NCVO shall have the right to cancel any other contractual agreements with the hirer without prior notice.

10. NCVO reserves the right to cancel confirmed bookings if the subject contravenes NCVO’s aims and objectives.

11. NCVO strongly recommends that the hirer has adequate public liability insurance.

12. The hirer must notify NCVO before confirmation of booking if any young person under the age of sixteen shall be attending the function. The hirer is responsible for undertaking all necessary risk assessments in relation to the function and any activities to be carried out by the young persons in their care.

13. Nothing in the agreement between NCVO and the hirer confers any rights on third parties.

14. NCVO reserves the right to refuse entry to persons if in NCVO’s opinion, such persons cannot be safely accommodated in the rooms allocated or if such numbers would likely cause a breach of any regulations affecting NCVO. At NCVO’s discretion and subject to availability additional rooms may be made available with customer’s consent, to accommodate additional persons. In such an event an additional charge will be made for the accommodation made available.

15. NCVO reserves the right to alter these conditions at any time without notice.

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