Training and events

Earliest start date first

Volunteering network meeting

A network open to all NCVO members working within the volunteering ecosystem. Join us to discuss your volunteering challenges and work with the group to find solutions

NCVO member welcome and refresher session: February 2025

Being an NCVO member means being part of a community. Whether you've just joined us, or you're renewing your membership and need a refresher, join this session to meet and network with other members online

NCVO/Zurich webinar: Developing and embedding effective risk assessments for volunteers

Join us for an essential webinar on creating and embedding effective risk assessments to protect your volunteers and those they support

Knowledge exchange and networking session: Embedding and sustaining organisational culture change

This free event is an opportunity to network with other NCVO member organisations in facilitated sessions. Share experiences and challenges, work through solutions together, develop new relationships and learn from your peers

NCVO member welcome and refresher session: March 2025

Being an NCVO member means being part of a community. Whether you've just joined us, or you're renewing your membership and need a refresher, join this session to meet and network with other members online

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