General Election 2024

Read our analysis of the general election result and what it means for charities. Learn more

Amy Walton

Amy Walton

Small Charity Support Manager

As part of the services and partnerships team, Amy leads on aspects of NCVO's practical support for small charities and developing partnerships to strengthen this – responding to challenges faced by organisations across the sector.

Amy joined NCVO's services and partnerships team following the closure of the Small Charities Coalition in April 2022, where she oversaw their helpdesk and mentoring programme. She brings her valuable experience in leading projects and teams in a range of small charities.

Amy is passionate about empowering all kinds of people to be part of a community and access services and opportunities and is proud to now provide support and voice to small charities and not-for-profits across the sector at NCVO. Amy also acts as a network lead for the Rainbow Network, NCVO's first staff network for LGBTQ+ colleagues and allies.

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