General Election 2024

Read our analysis of the general election result and what it means for charities. Learn more

Nayyara Tabassum

Research and Insight Manager

Nayyara leads NCVO's work on the Almanac, the annual state of the sector publication about the charity and voluntary sector and data work in the organisation.

She is passionate about collaboration on data and evidence with colleagues across NCVO, data sharing and knowledge translation to influence policy in the sector. She uses a variety of creative mixed methods research methods, including big data, to ensure that charities' experiences are at the heart of NCVO's influencing work.

Nayyara has previously worked for a number of charities and European Commission projects in academia, including two UK What Works centres - the Centre for Ageing Better and the Youth Endowment Fund. She has always worked for disadvantaged groups to influence policy through data and evidence. Since 2020, she is a yoga instructor for her local youth club and volunteers for a London food aid charity.

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