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Pay gap data

NCVO is committed to addressing our pay gaps and understands the need to review our approaches equitably and fairly.

Although NCVO employs fewer than 250 staff and is therefore not required to publish gender pay gap information, we have chosen to do so, along with our ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation and religion pay gap information.

We are doing this to demonstrate our commitment to being an employer that recognises the importance of equity and inclusion, and the benefits that having a diverse workforce brings to the organisation.

We are also committed to adopting an intersectional approach when developing our data in regard to protected groups to paint a fuller picture and identify areas we can improve.

Gender pay gap

Median and mean hourly earnings

At 1 March 2023 the median and mean male and female hourly earnings were as follows.

At 1 March 2023 the mean male and female hourly earnings by quartile were as follows.

There is no gender pay gap between males and females on 1 March 2023 on the basis of the median and a very small difference on the basis of the mean of 1%, so men are paid more than women on this basis.

In three quartiles, the gaps between male and female mean hourly earnings are within 2% of each other, which is closer than last year.

The fourth quartile is skewed by the fact there are six males and 16 females in this group, with the males in the category mainly being at the top of the quartile.

The leadership team on 1 March 2023 were evenly split with three female and three male.

Mean hourly earnings by grade

NCVO pays men and women in the same grades the same salary for the work they do.

Small differences are due to new staff starting at an entry point on recruitment and moving to the grade point only after their first year of employment. There will also be some additional responsibility payments for a small number of individuals.

Like many employers in the voluntary sector, NCVO employs more women than men, but there are proportionately more women than men in lower grades and in part-time roles.

We have a range of family-friendly and flexible working policies to support all parents and carers, and we have updated our family leave policy during 2022/23. This includes:

  • supporting parents to take time off to have or raise children and to assist with their return to work
  • enhanced maternity pay and shared parental pay
  • flexible working hours and encourage and support remote working.

On 1 March 2023, NCVO employed 61 people that identified as female and 25 people that identified as male.

We have an employee network called DARE (Diverse, Authentic, Revolutionary and Empathetic). This network meets regularly and exists for all NCVO staff who identify as women and non-binary.

We’re dedicated to improving inclusivity, transparency, and equity for all and creating safe spaces. Our recent activities include hosting all-staff events to celebrate International Women’s Day and a mini-series of talks on topics such as menopause and fertility.

Ethnicity pay gap

31% of employees identify themselves as members of the global majority; this is a 6% decrease from the previous reporting period (2022: 37%).

When looking across grades, there is a higher proportion of employees from the global majority group in the lower grades in the organisation.

Overall, employees who identify from the global majority earn on the basis of a mean 10% (2022: 14%) less than other employees – this is a decrease of 4% on the previous reporting period. Based on the median, employees from the global majority earn on a level with other employees.

This data shows that there is still a pay gap disadvantage for our employees that identify as from the global majority. The trustees and leadership team are committed to addressing these and are developing an anti-racism strategy during the new financial year.

Our REACH (Race Equality Achieving Cultural Harmony) network changed its name from the BAME network due to growing feelings that the word BAME felt outdated, othering and generalising the life experience of people of colour.

The change to REACH is felt to be more open and aspirational for a network that exists to provide a safe space for all NCVO staff who identify as being from global majority communities.

Our network enables us to come together, share our experiences, opportunities, and knowledge, offer mutual support, and discuss issues that are important to us. We are dedicated to improving inclusivity, transparency, and equity for all and creating safe spaces.

Proportion of global majority staff at each grade

Disability pay gap

This is the third year that NCVO is reporting on its disability pay gap. 9% (2022: 13%) of employees identify themselves as disabled.

During 2023/24, we are launching a disability and neurodiversity employee network, introducing a disability and adjustments policy and reviewing our approach to accessibility as we would like our staff group to reflect a wider society where 18% of people identify as being disabled.

The average pay gap between disabled and non-disabled employees is positive at 5% (2022: 5%), and the median pay gap is positive at 13% (2022: 7%).

Disability mean and median hourly earnings and pay gap

Proportion of disabled and non-disabled at each grade

Sexual orientation pay gap

We are proud at NCVO to publish our sexual orientation pay gap for the first time and recognise that we do not have a significant pay disparity that disproportionately impacts people who do not identify as heterosexual.

Over the past year, we have successfully established our LGBTQIA+ Network, the Rainbow Network, as a safe space for members of the LGBTQIA+ community and allies and have delivered some thought-provoking and educational workshops to celebrate the community.

We do recognise, however, that we do have a portion of our workforce who have chosen not to share their sexual orientation. We know there is more work we can do to address this so our staff feel safe to share this information, and we strive to continue our efforts in nurturing an inclusive environment for our LGBTQIA+ staff.

We are also committed to adopting an intersectional approach when developing our data in regard to protected groups to paint a fuller picture and identify areas we can improve.

In June 2022, the Rainbow Network was formed. This Network supports all NCVO staff who identify as LGBTQIA+ and their allies. It hosts a series of events ranging from well-being drop-in sessions, film viewings and all-staff lunch and learns sessions.

The Network promotes a safe, inclusive space for staff to listen and offer mutual support, and the Network leads to feed into wider NCVO projects and culture initiatives to ensure that they are viewed through an LGBTQIA+ inclusive lens.

Religion pay gap

This is the first time that we have reported on the religious pay gap.

Overall, we do not have a significant pay disparity in terms of religion. We do note that there is a slight pay gap for those who have identified as Hindu. We are very committed to understanding this further and will endeavour to explore how we can address this gap where possible.

A key strategic aim in our people strategy is to move from inclusion to belonging. We recognise that in order for us to do so, we aspire to create an environment where people feel they can bring their best selves to work. Religion is a key part of our staff's identity, and we will be exploring how best we can achieve this over the coming year.

We are also committed to adopting an intersectional approach when developing our data in regard to protected groups to paint a fuller picture and identify areas we can improve.

By publishing our pay gap data for the first time for both religion and sexual orientation, we are demonstrating our commitment to developing our workplace culture to champion a more inclusive environment for all.

This is also part of our ongoing work to be more transparent about our approach to pay.

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